First United Pentecostal Church

Pentecostals of Savannah

About Us


Our vision is to be a 21st Century Apostolic Church--to reach Savannah and the surrounding areas with the true Gospel of Jesus Christ.


Our church is committed to sharing the love of God and the Gospel of Jesus Christ to every individual and family in the Savannah area.  Our church is an oasis for all who need help and guidance from the Lord Jesus Christ. We believe in the Gospel message of hope and teach that God is able to save, heal, and deliver.  We are a lighthouse that guides individuals out of a dark, troubled world into His marvelous light.  (I Peter 2:9)

About the United Pentecostal Church International

The United Pentecostal Church International (UPCI) is a Oneness Pentecostal organization with churches, ministers, and members across the globe. With roots anchored firmly in the Bible and a vision for ministering to communities around the world, the UPCI embraces its mission to carry the whole gospel to the whole world by the whole church.

The UPCI has been among the fastest-growing church organizations since it was formed in 1945 by the merger of the Pentecostal Church Incorporated and the Pentecostal Assemblies of Jesus Christ. From 521 churches in 1945, the UPCI has grown to over 40,000 churches (including preaching points), 35,000 credentialed ministers, and a constituency of about 4 million in 225 nations and territories. The international fellowship consists of national organizations that are united as the Global Council of the UPCI, which is chaired by the general superintendent of the UPCI.

The UPCI emerged out of the Pentecostal movement that began with a Bible school in Topeka, Kansas, in 1901 and with the Azusa Street Revival in Los Angeles, California, in 1906. It traces its organizational roots to 1916, when a large group of Pentecostal ministers began to unite around the teaching of the oneness of God and water baptism in the name of Jesus Christ.